Hello, everyone.
The information night was a success (more on that at our next meeting), but unfortunately the Mountaineers' Adventure Club coordinator, Brigit Anderson, was unable to attend due to a mild concussion (bike accident!). She's fine and has asked me to share the following program sign-up information with you:
- You and your parents can sign you up free of charge online using the online Guest Membership form. You can also submit the PDF form via mail, if you wish. Just print out and mail.
- All students should apply for financial assistance (unless you absolutely don't want any). Here's the link to that form.
- All students and parents must sign the Youth Programs Waiver Form and turn in to Brigit
- All student and parents must complete and sign the Medical Authorization Form and turn in to Brigit
- One more legal form: all students and parents must complete and sign the Youth Health Form and turn in to Brigit
We'll talk more about this on Wednesday the 5th, but this should get you started.
Also, if you're heading to the Rock Gym, let everyone know. We'll talk about setting up regular dates at our meeting. Also, Mr. Hinchcliffe is getting things going for the folks interested in sailing--stay tuned!